Love it

Love it

Monday, September 20, 2010

Living with a Lack of Life.

Today, I'm going to write something which is very personal to me, I'm going to write in reference to people I see everyday who are living there life's without any zeal, or effort; people who I see everyday that Love and Live but who don't take risks- and I realize that all a person needs to live is love, and the ability to eat, drink, and breath among other unmentionable things. But I don't understand, people who live without friends who don't have a life other than their school work, people whose focus is solely upon graduating and getting on with their careers and families, and in one particular case a person who does nothing but live with their family and whose sole interest is a pair of children who are not distinctly theirs but who doesn't put forth an effort in anything else they do. A woman who believes she was put upon this earth for the sole purpose of helping others and who remains unhappily alone to benefit those people who rely upon her. Mom this is for you.

Mom I see you and talk to you almost daily I do all I can to make your life better and to put what is missing back into it. However, I've come to the realization that I cannot give you a will to live, but that you must regain that solely upon your own and that means doing things which are hard, for you and for me and many others who I interact with daily. People who continue to put forth the effort, to do and become what they want and need within their lives. In order to regain that zeal for life one must do things of the world, you'll have to get a job, move away from your family, and another which I believe is the base in the beginning of this metamorphosis into a strong, independent woman is to go back to church, to speak with the Bishop, and to pray. The last one is the one which I would suggest beginning with. It's a simple one but will only work if you do it. I am willing to do all I can to help with these-I will go to a family ward with you here in town to begin your reactivation within the Church, I will come over nightly and do scripture study and family prayer as a partial of our family. Whatever it takes, and I would not be posting this for all the World to see unless I knew that this is the first step, it is the best thing which you can do and everything else will fall into place. Take getting a job and moving away from your family- first you start by attending Church and having a few meetings with the Bishop speaking to him of your goals and your Life's aspirations and I know without the shadow of doubt that the Church-all facets and people therein will help you to find a job and also to find reliable transportation to and from your job, which will then lead into you finding and getting a place of your own, which will then lend way to you going after and succeeding in following your dreams and aspirations. So please take me up on this offer to help you, and anyone struggling who I know-if you need help, any help at all and I can assist allow me the opportunity to do so. And if any reader of this blog see's another person in need assist them, or if you are in need yourself give someone the opportunity to help you, but not only allow them to help you-but Help Yourself!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hey everyone, sorry about yesterday. I was sick all day and all day today I had to catchup on all my missed collegiate level work from school, and now I'm just chillin' and watching Glee. Can I just say how much I love this show.

As I mention watching Glee I find that I am thinking of all the beautiful things which we all have the opportunity to see during the day, and throughout the night. Such as; the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the beauty of children as they play on the playground, the beauty of each and every one of our personal memories as we bask in nostalgia as we experience deja vu or as we recognize a friend from the past, and who can forget the beauty of women. But not only these obvious beauties, also the beauty of a group who share a love and can show it in everything they do, the beauty of a happy person, the beauty of a love shared between partners, the beauty of a newborn child.

And the beauty of the not-so-happy; the beauty of survival and also the beauty of strength, as witnessed in photos taken by fellow students here at DSC; the beauty of carnal instinct and desire; the beauty of anger; and also the beauty of nature. But let us not forget the beauty of our differences: the beauty of women; their feminine wiles, their God-given ability to bear children, a woman's confidence, a woman's eloquent strength and thoughtful demeanor; and men, with their powerful and able body's, men who are so outgoing and willing to try anything, with heart's of gold and minds of silver who will not allow their emotions to rule their lives but will strive to discover the best plan of action within their lives. But their is also beauty within the simple things in life; such as family, when a son is playing catch with his father, when a son is being a good older brother and playing with his younger sister, and when a mother can support the whole family emotionally and the father can support the family temporally and developmentally. So, I challenge all who read this to look around them everyday and see all the beauty in the world; but also to be the beauty in other people's lives, to be a friend, to listen, to give advice, to love, to endure, nay to enjoy to the end.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

“Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.” E.Y. Harburg

One thing which my roommates and I can relate to within each other is our love for music (for those of you who don't know I moved into my apartment late so I don't know my roommates very well, and I am a Performing Arts major while two of them are Computer Info majors and the other is not currently attending school) so in all reality I have almost nothing in common with them, except the one thing that even the most unobservant person would notice that relates us to one another, our love of music. We all have a means of listening to music; whether it be a laptop, an MP3 player or a Walkman and almost of all us have a similar base of music, that being the main genre of music which makes up our collections. So what is it within humans that causes them to enjoy such a large variety of music when the actual people themselves have no other commonalities besides that music; ask just about any person "what kind of music they listen to," and the most common answer you'd get is "I listen to everything except...." which in all reality is simply saying that the ostracized genre is their closet musical love. So take these many styles of music and you can relate to pretty much any person you meet.

Not many people here in Dixie know this about me, but a large contributing factor for my return to the Church was the Gospel music. I auditioned for an advanced Institute Choir in Cedar City and made it but the requirements to participate in such a musical group, based in the Church and supported by the highest officials of the Church, is "simply" to be worthy to do anything within the Church, including entering the Temple and Serving A Mission. Because in all reality most of the time in performances you were acting as a missionary, you were bringing the Gospel to those who may not have had the opportunity to receive it prior to your visit. And to take on such a role within the Church allowed me to learn a lot of myself and bring myself to the worthiness required to participate in H.O.P.E., aka Hear Our Praise Extend. And still to this day I can remember who I was before that experience and who I am now, after those 2 Semesters in H.O.P.E. and I am so very thankful for the Lord's knowledge and generosity of allowing me to participate within H.O.P.E.

Now back to the present, I bring up the power of music simply because while attending a Sacrament meeting today, not with my ordinary Ward. I was still able to fill apart of the Church because of the Hymns and music played during that meeting; I walked in late even for that meeting so I found a place at the edge of the pew and sat down next to girl I'd never met in my life. After missing the opening prayer I walked in just in time for announcements... after which we prepared for the partaking of the Sacrament by singing a Hymn from the Hymnbook. Up until that point I had felt awkward not being in my own Ward and also for being late to this meeting, but at the point we opened our Hymnbooks I felt at home as if I were a 12 year old at my parent's home ward, again.

Also here at Dixie I am participating in the Show Choir Raging Red, and it has allowed me to do so much more than I was expecting to do. I have gained a couple new best friends, participated far more in campus activities and in my classes than I ever did back in Cedar City. All because of a single audition where Merrilee Webb was so will equipped and able to settle every ones nerves at the audition, which allowed me to perform half-way decently and to presently live as a member of Raging Red. And I am still participating in everything I can and putting myself out there to meet new people and gain new friends, all because of the music

Listen to all that surrounds you,
Chandler J.M.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wonderful, Fantastical quotes page:

Camille Ogborn: "I'm wearing my 'have a coke and smile shirt,'
Corinne: "And..."
Camille: "because its easiest to take off!" LOL jk

In reference to chicken:
Darcie: "What do you have? Breasts or thighs?"
Anon: "I have both breasts and thighs."

Cameron: "Every moment of my life deserves an applause."

Under Normal Circumstances

Under normal circumstances I would not write of such an immediate and obvious body of experiences; but seeing as how my first post is on 9/11 I see it only fitting to begin my blog in remembrance of September 11, 2001. However know this, that my vision for my Blog is to motivate and inspire people to take hold of their lives and let go of their fears and to try new things. So in light of my vision for this blog I see it only adequate to bring out the inspirational and motivational qualities of this horrendous tragedy which took place only 9 short years ago.
Now, I am a man but nonetheless I am a man who can't do anything but bawl in respect for the men and woman who unwillingly gave their lives in an unexpected attack upon all of America. Nine years ago, I was a boy who watched in awe as two of the greatest symbols of America were destroyed by what I knew only as terrorists- I knew not of who they were or what they stood for. Now as a man I know of both facets of those men, and it angers me because of the host of Religious Intolerance across the world. I am a man who understands the affects of such an attack upon a standard of American; the affects upon who I am, who I was, where I am, and who I am to become; the affects this attack has had upon The United States as a whole, and the world as a whole.
The world, what is there to say of the world. I know only this minor continent in which I have lived my whole life upon, The United States of America. And yet we are expected to understand and utilize the history of the world-but how is such realization and utilization to be done when all of the world itself is focused upon this Great Nation, and every minor step we take in relation to anything global-9 years later and we are just now pulling out of Jihadist war which has been ongoing since the development of the Religions partaking of this battle, but still America and her decisions are being criticized by many foreign powers as well as many so-called American's. When most immigrants I meet here in the U.S. or even people of different lifestyles are so blind to the interest and ways of another lifestyle, even another lifestyle who is so interested in the learning of the other. But how many, remember the days after 9/11 when we all joined together to remember and serve those directly affected by these attacks- I remember the idea that existed among all Americans, the idea of unity and love felt for all and the power that that love created which made us able to recover and begin our efforts to rebuild our morale and character. But 9 short years later, I look for any semblance of that love and power we found and delved into; and I find few, but my heartbreaks when I see a plethora of the lack of trust the American people offer the American leaders in all we say and do. I see and hear daily the ideas that people develop within their minds of conspiracy and hidden motives our leaders have, and every time I see or hear these things I ask myself whatever happened to that deep and loving trust we felt for our leaders. Yes, we have had a few bad apples in our governmental system but since when does a few bad apples ruin the basket?
Today, I am changed. I am changed because of each and every moment throughout my life. I am to this day still a very emotional person, but I am a man. A man who believes that everything which is said and done affects someone directly, then affects another indirectly. I am a man who longs to marry a perfect woman for him and I am a man who will one day assist in the bearing of children. I am a man who loves, laughs, and lives with almost all he meets. I am a dancer and a singer, I am a friend and a lover, I am a respecter of persons and a respecter of himself. And I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would be none of these things without the experience of September 11, 2001.