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Love it

Monday, September 20, 2010

Living with a Lack of Life.

Today, I'm going to write something which is very personal to me, I'm going to write in reference to people I see everyday who are living there life's without any zeal, or effort; people who I see everyday that Love and Live but who don't take risks- and I realize that all a person needs to live is love, and the ability to eat, drink, and breath among other unmentionable things. But I don't understand, people who live without friends who don't have a life other than their school work, people whose focus is solely upon graduating and getting on with their careers and families, and in one particular case a person who does nothing but live with their family and whose sole interest is a pair of children who are not distinctly theirs but who doesn't put forth an effort in anything else they do. A woman who believes she was put upon this earth for the sole purpose of helping others and who remains unhappily alone to benefit those people who rely upon her. Mom this is for you.

Mom I see you and talk to you almost daily I do all I can to make your life better and to put what is missing back into it. However, I've come to the realization that I cannot give you a will to live, but that you must regain that solely upon your own and that means doing things which are hard, for you and for me and many others who I interact with daily. People who continue to put forth the effort, to do and become what they want and need within their lives. In order to regain that zeal for life one must do things of the world, you'll have to get a job, move away from your family, and another which I believe is the base in the beginning of this metamorphosis into a strong, independent woman is to go back to church, to speak with the Bishop, and to pray. The last one is the one which I would suggest beginning with. It's a simple one but will only work if you do it. I am willing to do all I can to help with these-I will go to a family ward with you here in town to begin your reactivation within the Church, I will come over nightly and do scripture study and family prayer as a partial of our family. Whatever it takes, and I would not be posting this for all the World to see unless I knew that this is the first step, it is the best thing which you can do and everything else will fall into place. Take getting a job and moving away from your family- first you start by attending Church and having a few meetings with the Bishop speaking to him of your goals and your Life's aspirations and I know without the shadow of doubt that the Church-all facets and people therein will help you to find a job and also to find reliable transportation to and from your job, which will then lead into you finding and getting a place of your own, which will then lend way to you going after and succeeding in following your dreams and aspirations. So please take me up on this offer to help you, and anyone struggling who I know-if you need help, any help at all and I can assist allow me the opportunity to do so. And if any reader of this blog see's another person in need assist them, or if you are in need yourself give someone the opportunity to help you, but not only allow them to help you-but Help Yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I love you son. I am a mess I know. I read it and just cried because you are right and am so sorry for being the person you are talking about. You told me the same thing my mom said to me over the past 2 years. Thank you for your offer of help. I will think about it. I love you.
